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Showing posts with label romantic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romantic. Show all posts



Hello lovely people! Sorry I've been absent for the last few days. I want to thank all of you for visiting and sending me such wonderful messages! My following has gone up significantly as soon as I left facebook! hmmm...
Well, I have so much to share, and I'm sure you are limited to how many words you're going to read, but if you can, bear with me!

Last few nights were so amazing I can't even tell you! Even though the peak of the meteor shower is over, I saw amazing, gigantic meteorites flying across the sky every night! I cant describe the feeling, I think it was more than a dozen or so, within the time frame of about 20min or so each night.
Warm summer night, soft raindrops sprinkling around you like glitter falling from the sky

Today performed at Sawan Mela, great crowd and weather was just perfect. Other performers did a wonderful job so enjoyed my day. And now as I am prepared for another light show in the sky (I guess I've gotten a bit overconfident now that I've seen so many) it's cloudy :( But guess what.. Lightning show!

Oh the world is so beautiful, how lucky we are. Anyhow I will leave the rest until later.
Sweet Dreams :)
Some of the Images and Videos on this site are not Original and not intended to be portrayed as being my own. They are great works of other artists which are borrowed from image/video sharing websites. If you happen to know the artist of a certain image or video here, please do get in touch so I can recognize their work. Thank you!